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drivers license in italy

Drivers License In Italy - If you decide to move to Italy, you can decide to take (or retake) your driving test. Less expensive, less time-consuming and less complicated than France or other countries, the Italian driving license is recognized throughout Europe. However, language barriers sometimes get in the way of immersion and driving. In fact, even though the Italian traffic code is more or less the same as in France or other European countries, learning to drive like an Italian is very important. Locals say 'Anyone who knows how to drive in Rome knows how to do it. Drive anywhere in the world.' How much does a driving license cost in Italy? What are the steps to register and take the exam? How to pass the Italian highway code test? How to take the practical driving test in Italy? , your foreign helper in Italy will tell you everything you need to know about how to get a driving license in Italy.

Before you start your Italian driving test, it's important to check that you can register. In fact, Italy imposes certain conditions on anyone who wants to register and take a driving test.

Drivers License In Italy

Drivers License In Italy

If you do not meet these 3 conditions, you will not be able to register for the Italian driving test. Once you confirm that you meet all the criteria, you can start the registration process.

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Get your Italian license for around 800 - 850 Euros in total. Yes, it's cheaper than most countries, and you'll find it simpler. Beware of the hidden costs of Nepi. In fact, you have a time limit to pass the theoretical and practical tests of the Italian driving license. If you miss this deadline, you must reapply and pay a new fee. I will come to this point after a while.

Have you decided to take your driving test in Italy? A very interesting challenge! It may seem difficult or impossible if you think you don't understand the language (let alone how to drive), but it's easier in Italy than in other countries. The first thing to do is to choose your driving school, but the procedure can also be carried out in the nearest Motorizzazione civil office. In this case, download the form directly and fill it by clicking here to save time.

Your application for an Italian driving license must be complete and include various documents, forms and proofs to be accepted. To save time, before going to the driving school or the Motorizzazione civil office, it is recommended to prepare your file and check it.

Once the application is completed and submitted to the appropriate authority, you will be given a practice book that will follow you throughout your training for the Italian driving test. From that time, you have 6 months to pass the theory test. Be careful because you have to repeat the procedure after the time limit is over. After passing the theory test, the time limit to take the practical test is 5 months.

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As in other European countries, to obtain an Italian driver's license, each license seeker must complete a theoretical part where he will learn about Italian traffic regulations and driver's etiquette and customs in Italy. Nothing too original, Italian highway codes are similar to those found elsewhere in Europe and the signs are similar and not difficult to recognize.

The exam consists of 40 questions. Candidates should not make more than four mistakes or maximum 10% mistakes. If the exam is not cleared, it can be retaken after 1 month of failure and not earlier. Be careful because it can only be pulled a second time. If you fail the Italian driving test a second time, you must submit a new application and pay all fees again.

You can answer in any order you like, just change the answer to the question. At the end of 30 minutes, the system stops and the examiner calls you one by one and tells you the number of mistakes. Of the 40 questions, 35 are common sense and logical (always take the 'safest' answer that involves the least risk), and 5 require you to know the answer (or take a chance). You only need to translate some important terms from Italian driving vocabulary and traffic rules and you will be ready to learn to drive.

Drivers License In Italy

Learning to drive in Italy requires at least 6 hours of driving in the presence of a professional and registered driving school instructor. The main topics covered during driving lessons in Italy are city driving, speeding and night driving.

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I remind you that the quality of learning depends on the relationship between the instructor and the student. So don't hesitate to ask another instructor if you don't feel comfortable with you. After each lesson, the instructor signs the learning manual previously provided by the competent authority.

By mastering these few Italian words, you will understand 90% of what your instructor says. For the remaining 10%, it will give you additional opportunities to improve your Italian. After at least 6 hours with the instructor you will be able to choose an exam date.

When you take the practical exam you will receive a pink sheet (foglio rosa). This document allows you to drive on Italian roads if you are accompanied by a driver's license holder of the category you are applying for, which was obtained at least 10 years ago and the license holder is under 65 years old. Please note that this document is valid for 6 months.

Foglio Rosa can take the practical exam at least one month after receiving the Pink Paper. If you fail the exam, you can repeat it only once in 6 months. If you take the Italian driving test for category B or C, it is mandatory to take the test with a car equipped with dual controls.

Driving In Italy

Is that all? That's right: No trick questions about the speed limit while driving, no tests to see if you know how to change a tire or check the oil level. As you said, it is easier to get a driver's license in Italy than in France.

Congratulations if you pass the exam! You will automatically receive the precious key to freedom: an Italian driver's license. You can only drive a vehicle in the category for which you have passed the test. The Italian license is called a

. It is valid in all European Union countries and covers 20 points. This must be renewed with a medical visit every 10 years: this obligation increases from the age of 50 to 5 years. Finally, the Italian driving license must be renewed every 3 years from the age of 70.

Drivers License In Italy

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Italy has lagged behind in modernizing and simplifying its bureaucracy. Slow, Complicated, Unreliable: Feedback from experience normalizes the fear of tackling it. However, over recent years, the situation has evolved and SPID is an online identification system that allows some administrative procedures to be carried out remotely. The System of Public Digital Identification (SPID) is becoming more widespread and even mandatory for some procedures. How do you ask for it and what is it? I am your foreign assistant, and I am going to tell you how to get your SPID in Italy.

Buying a house in Italy is more complicated than in other European countries. New language, new rules, it is important to know the process of buying real estate in advance to avoid surprises. Many expats rush to believe they have the perfect offer and find themselves in a tricky situation. I have listed all the steps to buy a property in Italy with a partner, from finding the property to signing. I, a foreign assistant, am going to tell you how to buy a house in Italy.

If you decide to move to Italy, you can decide to take (or retake) your driving test. Less expensive, less time-consuming and less complicated than France or other countries, the Italian driving license is recognized throughout Europe. However, language barriers sometimes get in the way of immersion and driving.

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